Rising 7th and 8th Grade Course Information

The following documents will be used for selecting exploratory choices for the 2024/2025 school year.  Students may use these sheets to help plan out which exploratory courses they would like to choose for the upcoming school year.


Current 6th Grade Students:

  1. Google Form for 6th grade students
  2. Exploratory worksheet for rising 7th grade

Current 7th Grade Students:

  1. Google Form for 7th Grade students
  2. Exploratory worksheet for rising 8th grade
Calendar of Events:

January 20th - 24th, 2025 - Counselors will visit every Language Arts class to share information about the exploratory classes students can take.  Students will then rank their exploratory choices and submit that information to us.

February - March - Counselors will review selections made with each student and make any needed changes or adjustments.  A link will be sent to families to schedule conferences to meet with School Counselors about next year’s course planning.

By March 28, 2025 - Course verification sheets will be mailed home to each student showing what courses have been selected for next school year. 

April 18th, 2025 - Course selections will be considered finalized for 24/25.  Any change requests will be subject to class availability and/or class sizes.

8th Grade Exploratory Descriptions:

Art 8: Art courses provide to students activities that foster creative expression, communication through artistic endeavor, and appreciation of culture and heritage. Activities may include those that enable students to refine their technique, increase their artistic vocabulary, express themselves and their world view, make connections to other content areas, develop their own aesthetic, and strengthen their critical abilities. Although typically involving the visual arts (drawing, painting, sculpture, crafts, and the like), these courses may also include other forms of art (for example, dance, music, and theater). Specific course content conforms to any existing state standards for grade 8.

AVID 8: AVID is a nationally recognized program for students who have the capability to achieve in rigorous, college preparatory courses but may currently be underachieving. The AVID elective is a year long elective that provides students with academic support and motivational activities. Students must apply for AVID and meet national and local requirements for participation.

Band 8: Band courses help students develop techniques for playing brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments and their ability to perform a variety of concert band literature styles. These courses may emphasize rehearsal and performance experiences in a range of styles and also include experiences in creating and responding to music.

Broadcast Journalism: Speech Communications/Drama courses enable students to express themselves through dramatic play and storytelling. Course content typically includes the use of movement, language, character, plot, and spectacle to portray imaginary or real experiences. As appropriate, students may focus on acting techniques and traditions, other aspects of drama (staging, lighting, costuming), or both. Specific course content conforms to any existing state standards for grade 8.

Chorus 8: Chorus courses develop students’ vocal skills within the context of a large choral ensemble in which they perform a variety of styles of repertoire. These courses are designed to develop students’ vocal techniques and their ability to sing parts and include experiences in creating and responding to music.

Coding, Cyber, and IT Exploration: Students are introduced to the world of business using the computer as a problem-solving tool. Students engage in using computational thinking as a problem solving tool, use programming concepts and methods while creating digital artifacts, and retain their interest in computing as a relevant and exciting field. Learning opportunities are presented in ways that are active, connected, and relevant to them, and promote the perception of themselves as proactive and empowered problem solvers, creators, and innovators capable of changing the world. Collaborative learning experiences at this level prepare students to work in teams and to build supportive partnerships.

Creative Writing: Creative Writing courses offer students the opportunity to develop and improve their technique and individual style in poetry, short story, drama, essays, and other forms of prose. The emphasis of the courses is on writing; however, students may study exemplary representations and authors to obtain a fuller appreciation of the form and craft. Although most creative writing classes cover several expressive forms, others concentrate exclusively on one particular form (such as poetry or playwriting).

Debate: Debate courses offer students the opportunity to learn how to use oral skills in formal and informal situations. In these courses, students are able to develop such skills as logic and reasoning, research and analysis, organization of thought and supporting materials, argumentative style and skill, and effective presentation of one’s voice and body. Often linked to an extracurricular program, these courses introduce students to the methods, aims, and styles used in various kinds of debates (formal debate or Lincoln-Douglas). Participation in competition is encouraged, but not always required.

Design & Construction Exploration: Students will learn how to modify and control the world around them through exploring, designing, analyzing and evaluating the systems of design, programming and electronics. Students will learn programming and electronics through the use of microcontrollers. Students will use computer-aided design software and advanced manufacturing technologies (3D printing, die cutting, CNC machining, etc.) to create physical objects. The three systems of computer programming, electronics and design will be combined to create mechanical-electrical devices that are computer controlled. Students will also explore technology-oriented careers.

Drama 8: Introduction to Theater courses provide an overview of the art, conventions, and history of the theater arts. Although the courses sometimes include experiential exercises, they emphasize learning about theater processes rather than theatrical production and performance. Course topics include one or more of the following: basic techniques in acting, major developments in dramatic literature, major playwrights, the evolution of theater as a cultural tradition, and critical appreciation of the art and craft of the theater profession.

French 1 (High School French):  8th grade students will learn to listen, speak, read, and write in the language through a study of cultures that use the language as part of their heritage. Students will learn basic vocabulary and essential grammar to communicate in simple sentences and navigate real-world experiences. Students will practice basic literacy and gain insight into the way of life of cultures associated with the language.

Humanities: Humanities courses examine and evoke student responses to human creative efforts and the world in particular historical periods and cultures. Course content includes exploration, analysis, synthesis, and various responses to cultural traditions, including viewing, listening, speaking, reading, writing, performing and creating. The courses may also examine relationships among painting, sculpture, architecture and music.

Orchestra 8: Orchestra courses help develop students’ technique for playing strings along with woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. These courses may emphasize collaboration through rehearsal and performance experiences in creating and responding to music.

Spanish 1 (High School Spanish): 8th grade students will learn to listen, speak, read, and write in the language through a study of cultures that use the language as part of their heritage. Students will learn basic vocabulary and essential grammar to communicate in simple sentences and navigate real-world experiences. Students will practice basic literacy and gain insight into the way of life of cultures associated with the language.

Yearbook: Publication Production courses provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to produce the school newspaper, yearbook, literary magazine, or other printed publication. Students may gain experience in several components (writing, editing, layout, production, and so on) or may focus on a single aspect while producing the publication.

7th Grade Exploratory Descriptions:

Art 7: Art courses provide to students activities that foster creative expression, communication through artistic endeavor, and appreciation of culture and heritage. Activities may include those that enable students to refine their technique, increase their artistic vocabulary, express themselves and their world view, make connections to other content areas, develop their own aesthetic, and strengthen their critical abilities. Although typically involving the visual arts (drawing, painting, sculpture, crafts, and the like), these courses may also include other forms of art (for example, dance, music, and theater). Specific course content conforms to any existing state standards for grade 7.

AVID 7: AVID is a nationally recognized program for students who have the capability to achieve in rigorous, college preparatory courses but may currently be underachieving. The AVID elective is a year long elective that provides students with academic support and motivational activities. Students must apply for AVID and meet national and local requirements for participation.

Band 7: Band courses help students develop techniques for playing brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments and their ability to perform a variety of concert band literature styles. These courses may emphasize rehearsal and performance experiences in a range of styles and also include experiences in creating and responding to music.

Chorus 7: Chorus courses develop students’ vocal skills within the context of a large choral ensemble in which they perform a variety of styles of repertoire. These courses are designed to develop students’ vocal techniques and their ability to sing parts and include experiences in creating and responding to music.

Coding, Cyber, and IT Exploration: Students are introduced to the world of business using the computer as a problem-solving tool. Students engage in using computational thinking as a problem solving tool, use programming concepts and methods while creating digital artifacts, and retain their interest in computing as a relevant and exciting field. Learning opportunities are presented in ways that are active, connected, and relevant to them, and promote the perception of themselves as proactive and empowered problem solvers, creators, and innovators capable of changing the world. Collaborative learning experiences at this level prepare students to work in teams and to build supportive partnerships.

Creative Writing: Creative Writing courses offer students the opportunity to develop and improve their technique and individual style in poetry, short story, drama, essays, and other forms of prose. The emphasis of the courses is on writing; however, students may study exemplary representations and authors to obtain a fuller appreciation of the form and craft. Although most creative writing classes cover several expressive forms, others concentrate exclusively on one particular form (such as poetry or playwriting).

Debate: Debate courses offer students the opportunity to learn how to use oral skills in formal and informal situations. In these courses, students are able to develop such skills as logic and reasoning, research and analysis, organization of thought and supporting materials, argumentative style and skill, and effective presentation of one’s voice and body. Often linked to an extracurricular program, these courses introduce students to the methods, aims, and styles used in various kinds of debates (formal debate or Lincoln-Douglas). Participation in competition is encouraged, but not always required.

Design & Construction Exploration: Students will learn how to modify and control the world around them through exploring, designing, analyzing and evaluating the systems of design, programming and electronics. Students will learn programming and electronics through the use of microcontrollers. Students will use computer-aided design software and advanced manufacturing technologies (3D printing, die cutting, CNC machining, etc.) to create physical objects. The three systems of computer programming, electronics and design will be combined to create mechanical-electrical devices that are computer controlled. Students will also explore technology-oriented careers.

Drama 7: Introduction to Theater courses provide an overview of the art, conventions, and history of the theater arts. Although the courses sometimes include experiential exercises, they emphasize learning about theater processes rather than theatrical production and performance. Course topics include one or more of the following: basic techniques in acting, major developments in dramatic literature, major playwrights, the evolution of theater as a cultural tradition, and critical appreciation of the art and craft of the theater profession.

French 7: Designed to introduce students to French language and culture, French Exploratory begins to prepare 7th grade students to the introductory skills needed to beginning learning how to authentically communicate in French by interpreting (reading, listening, viewing), exchanging (speaking and listening; reading and writing), and presenting (speaking, writing) information on a variety of topics. French Exploratory introduces the relationships among the products, practices, and perspectives of French-speaking cultures.

Humanities: Humanities courses examine and evoke student responses to human creative efforts and the world in particular historical periods and cultures. Course content includes exploration, analysis, synthesis, and various responses to cultural traditions, including viewing, listening, speaking, reading, writing, performing and creating. The courses may also examine relationships among painting, sculpture, architecture and music.

Media, Arts, and Design Exploration: Students will utilize digital tools in the fields of programming and coding, game design, creative design, photography, animation and film and they will enhance their knowledge of media software and how to manipulate and design digital media. 

Orchestra 7: Orchestra courses help develop students’ technique for playing strings along with woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. These courses may emphasize collaboration through rehearsal and performance experiences in creating and responding to music.

Spanish 7: Designed to introduce students to Spanish language and culture, Spanish Exploratory begins to prepare 7th grade students to the introductory skills needed to beginning learning how to authentically communicate in Spanish by interpreting (reading, listening, viewing), exchanging (speaking and listening; reading and writing), and presenting (speaking, writing) information on a variety of topics. Spanish Exploratory introduces the relationships among the products, practices, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures.

Yearbook: Publication Production courses provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to produce the school newspaper, yearbook, literary magazine, or other printed publication. Students may gain experience in several components (writing, editing, layout, production, and so on) or may focus on a single aspect while producing the publication.