News Items from Lakeside:

  1. 8th Grade trip to the Paramount: Parents of 8th graders, please complete this form by February 21 so that your student can attend the free trip to the Paramount.

    On February 27, all Lakeside 8th graders will have the opportunity to attend a trip to the Paramount Theater in downtown Charlottesville to see the film "Raised/Razed" by local filmmakers Lorenzo Dickerson and Jordy Yager.  This film aligns with standards in the 8th grade Civics curriculum and students will participate in class learning activities before and after the film.  Following the viewing, students will have the opportunity to participate in a question and answer session with the filmmakers.

    9:15 Departure
    10:00 Film
    12:00 Leave Paramount
    12:30 (aprox) Arrive at Lakeside 
    Students will eat lunch in the Lakeside cafeteria following the trip.

  2. Please join us for a series of Community Mindfulness Workshops to learn from each other and share techniques to support health and well-being!  Please come once, twice, or every month! What: A series of Mindfulness Workshops designed for teachers, parents, and community members to collaborate, learn from each other, and share strategies for incorporating mindfulness into classrooms, at home, and in our communities to enhance emotional health and well-being. This opt-in program is designed for educators motivated to engage in meaningful exploration of mindfulness and social-emotional learning (SEL).

    For more information, CLICK HERE to open the Google Doc with specifics.

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This Week at Lakeside: 

Monday, February 10th: Teal Day

Tuesday, February 11th: Snow Day!
   What do you call an old snowman?

Wednesday, February 12th: Snow Day!
   What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?

Thursday, February 13th: Black Day
   2 hour delay (reassess at 7:30 am)

Friday, February 14th: Teal Day

8th Grade Transition News

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